


For an integer n, we call k>=2 a good base of n, if all digits of n base k are 1.

Now given a string representing n, you should return the smallest good base of n in string format.

Example 1:

Input: "13"
Output: "3"
Explanation: 13 base 3 is 111.

Example 2:

Input: "4681"
Output: "8"
Explanation: 4681 base 8 is 11111.

Example 3:

Input: "1000000000000000000"
Output: "999999999999999999"
Explanation: 1000000000000000000 base 999999999999999999 is 11.


  1. The range of n is [3, 10^18].
  2. The string representing n is always valid and will not have leading zeros.

Thought Process

  1. Binary Search
    1. Define base to be k, and number of digits to be m
    2. n = 1 + k^1 + k^2 + ... + k^(m-1)
    3. Using geometric sequence summation, we know n = (1 - k^m)/(1 - k)
    4. To find the bound for m and k, we need to use the above formula and other observation
    5. There is one trivial solution when k = n - 1, then m = 2
    6. When k = 2, which leads to n = 2^m - 1, then m = log(n + 1)
    7. Since we at looking for the minimum k, we start with maximum m
    8. Time complexity O((logn)^2)
    9. Space complexity O(1)
  2. Binary Search with tighter bound
    1. Let's redefine the m to be number of digits - 1 to make the number look pretty
    2. n = 1 + k^1 + k^2 + ... + k^m = (k^(m+1) -1)/(k - 1)
    3. We know that n > k^m, so n^(1/m) > k
    4. We can also use binomial theorem to show that n < (k+1)^m, so n^(1/m) < k + 1
    5. Basically, k < n^(1/m) < k + 1, so basically n^(1/m) is really close to our potential k
    6. Moreover, rounding down the n^(1/m) will be the only candidate to be consider, because rounding up will make it too big (for example, k = 2, and n^(1/m) = 2.5)
    7. Also for formula on ii, we can see that when k = 2, m is the max where m = log(n + 1)/log2 - 1 (again round down is preferred here, otherwise we will have number greater than n)
    8. Another thing we can notice on formula ii is that the numerator is divisible by denominator, so we can just apply the formula on the right without worrying getting fraction
    9. Time complexity O(logn)
    10. Space complexity O(1)


import java.math.*;

class Solution {
    public String smallestGoodBase(String n) {
        long nL = Long.valueOf(n);
        int mHi = (int) (Math.log(nL + 1) / Math.log(2));
        long res = nL - 1;
        for (int m = mHi; m >= 2; m--) {
            long kLo = 2, kHi = nL - 1;
            while (kLo <= kHi) {
                long kMi = kLo + (kHi - kLo) / 2;
                BigInteger left = BigInteger.valueOf(nL).multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(kMi - 1)), right = BigInteger.valueOf(kMi).pow(m).subtract(BigInteger.valueOf(1));
                int cmp = left.compareTo(right);
                if (cmp == 0) return String.valueOf(kMi);
                else if (cmp < 0) kHi = kMi - 1;
                else kLo = kMi + 1;
        return String.valueOf(res);
import java.math.*;

class Solution {
    public String smallestGoodBase(String n) {
        long nL = Long.valueOf(n);
        BigInteger nB = BigInteger.valueOf(nL);
        int mHi = (int) (Math.log(nL + 1) / Math.log(2)) - 1;
        long res = nL - 1;
        for (int m = mHi; m > 1; m--) {
            long k = (long) Math.pow(nL, 1.0 / m);
            BigInteger right = (BigInteger.valueOf(k).pow(m + 1).subtract(BigInteger.ONE)).divide(BigInteger.valueOf(k).subtract(BigInteger.ONE));
            // System.out.println("k = " + k + ", m = " + m + ", right = " + right);
            if (nB.compareTo(right) == 0) return String.valueOf(k);
        return String.valueOf(res);
class Solution {
    public String smallestGoodBase(String n) {
        long nL = Long.valueOf(n);
        int mHi = (int) (Math.log(nL + 1) / Math.log(2)) - 1;
        long res = nL - 1;
        for (int m = mHi; m > 1; m--) {
            long k = (long) Math.pow(nL, 1.0 / m);
            if (geometric(k, m) == nL) return String.valueOf(k); 
        return String.valueOf(res);

    private long geometric(long base, int m) {
        long res = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i <= m; i++) {
            res = 1 + res * base;
        return res;


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