On a horizontal number line, we have gas stations at positions stations[0], stations[1], ..., stations[N-1], where N = stations.length.
Now, we add K more gas stations so that D, the maximum distance between adjacent gas stations, is minimized.
Return the smallest possible value of D.
Input: stations = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], K = 9
Output: 0.500000
Thought Process
- Dynamic Programing (TLE)
- Create a dp array to store the best answer, where dp[s][k] defines to be the answer for inserting k ending at jth station
- We initialize dp[0][j] with the distance[0] / (j + 1), where j ranges from 0 to K
- We start loop for all distance segments from 1 to N - 1 using i, and nested loop for inserting extra stations from 0 to K using j
- For insert j stations for ith segment, we need to check all the previous k insertions ranges from 0 to j stations against the inserting the k stations in ith segment, the maximum of them is the candidate for our answer
- The answer dp[i][j] is then the minimum of all the candiates
- Time complexity O(nK^2)
- Space complexity O(nK)
- Greedy Approach with Heap (TLE)
- Use heap to store each distance segments along with number of segments (initially all 1)
- Every time, we pull a max distance segment out considering along with number of segment and increase the number and pull it back
- After K operations, we have used up all the stations
- Then the answer will be on top of the heap
- Time complexity O(Klogn)
- Space complexity O(n)
- Binary Search
- Using the boundaries of stations, the possible width will be in between 0 and 1e8
- Perform binary search on the width within these boundaries, we will narrow down our search until these boundaries differ less than our desired delta
- Now the conditions to narrow our search to left or right depends on a separate function possible(mi, stations, K), where it check if we can use less than or equal to K stations to achieve the mi distance
- If possible return true, we set hi = mi to find better distance
- Else we set lo = mi
- Time complexity O(nlogW), where w = 1e8/1e-6 = 1e14
- Space complexity O(1)
class Solution {
public double minmaxGasDist(int[] stations, int K) {
int n = stations.length;
double[][] dp = new double[n - 1][K + 1];
double[] distances = new double[n - 1];
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
distances[i - 1] = stations[i] - stations[i - 1];
for (int k = 0; k <= K; k++) {
dp[0][k] = distances[0] / (k + 1);
for (int i = 1; i < n - 1; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j <= K; j++) {
double ans = 99999999;
for (int k = 0; k <= j; k++) {
ans = Math.min(ans, Math.max(dp[i - 1][k], distances[i] / (j - k + 1)));
dp[i][j] = ans;
return dp[n - 2][K];
class Solution {
public double minmaxGasDist(int[] stations, int K) {
PriorityQueue<int[]> maxHeap = new PriorityQueue<>((a, b) -> a[0] * 1.0 / a[1] > b[0] * 1.0 / b[1] ? -1 : 1);
for (int i = 1; i < stations.length; i++) {
maxHeap.offer(new int[]{stations[i] - stations[i - 1], 1});
int[] node = null;
while (K-- > 0) {
node = maxHeap.poll();
node = maxHeap.poll();
return node[0] * 1.0 / node[1];
class Solution {
public double minmaxGasDist(int[] stations, int K) {
double delta = 1e-6;
double lo = 0, hi = 1e8;
while (hi - lo > delta) {
double mi = (lo + hi) / 2;
if (possible(mi, stations, K)) hi = mi;
else lo = mi;
return lo;
private boolean possible(double x, int[] stations, int K) {
int count = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < stations.length; i++) {
count += (int) ((stations[i] - stations[i - 1]) / x);
return count <= K;